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Evondos at home – 200 000 medicine doses dispensed in Umeå, Sweden

Investing in welfare technology is to face the future with open eyes. This is the view of unit managers in the home care organization Mia Tegström and Malin Björnerbäck in Umeå, both responsible for a group of nurses. Since the start in 2018, Umeå's medicine dispensing robots have issued 200,000 doses of medicine.

"Here in Umeå, we will have significantly more elderly people in the near future, while at the same time, we will not be able to attract as many healthcare professionals. It is a gap and this means that we need to change the way we work," says Unit Manager Mia Tegström.

Developing the business with new digital solutions is therefore obvious, but not easy at first.

"The challenge is to get everyone on the train. There are always those who think it's funny and those who find it scary," she says.

"One tip is to have key people in the operations who are given the opportunity to become extra good at handling the drug robots. Then they can help in the team and answer questions," says Malin Björnerbäck, also head of the unit at Umeå Municipality.

It is important never to stop discussing, educating and keeping knowledge alive. Both patient groups and staff groups are changing. Then good support is also necessary.

"It's a good collaboration with Evondos – we get quick help from them when we need it," says Malin Björnerbäck.

Since 2018, Umeå has gradually increased the number of drug robots. Today, there are just over a hundred of them and an obvious and valuable part of everyday life in-home care:

"It's about supporting people so that they can take their own medicines for as long as possible. We see that the majority of our patients are very satisfied," says Mia Tegström.

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